Piso 16 Community

Training Program

The training program consists of a ten month accompaniment that seeks the professionalization of creators, cultural managers and communicators, to whom it provides with tools, methodologies and resources to design a personal development plan and plan a cultural initiative committed with reality based on to clearly define what they want to do, why they want to do it, to whom they want to do it and how can they achieve it.

The training program combines the accompaniment of a mentor with workshops, cultural environment seminars, talks, co-creation sessions, meetings and an online educational platform. 


For ten months, a mentor guides and accompanies the participants in the design of their long-term personal development plan and in the artistic conceptualization, design and planning of their cultural initiatives. The monitoring is carried out in fortnightly meetings to review the progress and application of the tools obtained through the workshops. Mentors are chosen for each initiative based on their profile and needs.


Workshops are activities that combine theory and practice and foster active and collaborative work for the construction of knowledge and its implementation. The workshop program works on personal development and that of a cultural initiative, and contributes to the definition of business models based on ten areas: exploration of the idea, value proposition, analysis and development of audiences, definition of indicators of evaluation, organizational structure, legal aspects, fiscal aspects, financial planning, sources of financing and communication strategy. Together, the workshops provide the participants with the knowledge and tools to design and plan a relevant, viable and economically sustainable project in the medium and long term. 


As a complement of the workshops program, a series of sessions that allow reflection along experts on historical, political, economic and social aspects of the cultural environment, in order to foster a critical stance on each participant regarding their context. 


Spaces for dialogue with creators and active managers who, from their different experiences, offer an overview of the problems and alternatives to achieve sustainability of artistic careers and cultural initiatives. 

Co-creation sessions

The Co-creation Sessions are organized as an additional complement to the talks to socialize the questions proposed in them, as well as the specific problems or questions that participants are encountering during the development of their initiatives. It is a space for free dialogue and discussion coordinated by the participants to share reflections, proposals or solutions. 


The program includes three general meetings: one at the beginning so that participants, mentors and workshops leaders meet and present the Accompaniment Program in detail; the second meeting is carried out halfway through the program, to present the initiatives' progress and to receive feedback; and at the end of the program, participants present the results of the process of accompaniment in their program. 

The Accompaniment Program lasts ten months, from February to December, 38 weeks of effective work. It involves the participation in activities three afternoons a week, in addition to fortnightly mentoring sessions and general meetings. Approximately 290 hours between all activities. It also has an online educational platform, a space for collaborative learning in which knowledge is generated from the interaction between various projects, mentors and workshop leaders in digital environments. 

Participation is subject to a selection process through an annual call.