First Action, 2017
Before initiating fitting out works at the 16th floor of Torre UNAM Tlatelolco to be occupied by the program Piso 16 Laboratorio de Iniciativas Culturales UNAM from the Cultural Difussion Coordination, a day dedicated to artistic activities was held to show the architectonic project, as a symbolic act of its start.
On Saturday, June the 24th, 2017 from 11:00 to 20:00 artists from all the disciplines were introduced to emphasize the criteria of multidisciplinary collaboration that the program sought to have throughout the accompanying program.
Although at the moment the facilities were at the earliest stages of construction, dancers, musicians, actors, and visual artists alike shared their skills in that first day at Piso 16 – Laboratorio de Iniciativas Culturales UNAM.
Talks were given by José Gordon, and Fernanda Rivera Calderón, as well as Benjamín Cann; the dance piece Remodelación vecinal/Vida vertical from the Mitrovica company -which was sketched concurrently from the workshop imparted by Patricia Soriano from the Arts and Design Faculty- was presented; the Music Faculty contributed with two groups: The Cantabile Guitar Duo, and the Xihuitl String Quartet; CUEC -Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos
participated with a selection of short films from 2017; CUT -Centro Universitario de Teatro- with the participation of the Festín Efímero company organized a showing of stage combat.
Also present were Los Cantores del Son accompanied by the poet Mardonio Carballo, Tito Rivas’ sound art, and Juan Pablo Villa’s piece El grito/Voz y Live Looping; the visual artist Daniel Godínez Nivón made Tequiografías with the audience and the then recently created Consejo Consultorio de Jóvenes from the Cultural Circulation Coordination. Axollotl Collective took part of the event with a mural that was created in the course of an entire day. Finally, Libros libres from the Cultural Circulation Coordination donated 75 copies.
The facilities were opened to the public and around 350 people attended and enjoyed the view of the city and the art presentations.